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SUP’AIR / News

SUP’AIR Pixair, new harness for entry-level cross-country pilots

Pixair is the new harness by Sup’air, designed for pilots enjoying thermic and entry level cross-country flying. The seating can be reclined for improved body posture and comfort, and also has an incorporated balance system for high passive safety. Pixair has a wide range of accessories together with the reserve pouch under the seat and handle on the right. The airbag, under the seat and backrest automatically pre-inflates when launching.

more details ont the website SUP’AIR

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NIVIUK / Scoop

The first single surface glider is seen flying in the alps today

A big thumbs up for Niviuk, as the first glimpse of their first single surface glider, is seen flying in the alps today.

[reveal title="Read more" open="false" color="grey-lite"]Niviuk’s first mono surface paraglider, contrary to other’s of its kind, has the advantage of being accessible to all levels of pilot, and will be available from April 2015.

Weighing just 2.4kg, incorporating Niviuk’s trademark nitinol technology, the speed is similar to that of an entry level glider: between 24-44km/hr. Sizes come in 16/18/20 for a PTV of 60-85kg/70-95/85-110kg respectively.

Niviuk Skin

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GIN / News

Harness Gingo Airlite suitable for beginners, leisure and XC pilots 

[reveal title="Read more" open="false" color="grey-lite"]The new Gingo Airlite is a versatile airbag with an improved airbag with pre-inflation systemharness, a seat plate and underseat rescue container. The Gingo Airlite offers an ideal blend of security, comfort and convenience. One of the lightest harnesses of its type (3.5kg).

The new Triplex advanced composite seat plate is both lightweight and durable. The highest quality materials are used throughout the harness, guaranteeing a prolonged lifetime of service.

more details on the website GIN[/reveal]

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The cocoon harness LC by LITTLE CLOUDeasy to use

The cocoon harness LC by LITTLE CLOUD is easy to use. LITTLE CLOUD is proud to promote its new cocoon harness….

[reveal title="Read more" open="false" color="grey-lite"]The new Cocoon harness LC by Little Cloud
The cocoon harness LC by LITTLE CLOUD is easy to use.

LITTLE CLOUD is proud to promote its new cocoon harness. It uses buckles that close automatically and a flight deck container, which forms part of the chest trap and rescue system, with the rescue risers attaching directly to it. This system enables the pilot to attach himself using two different points, including one for the reserve. It makes it almost impossible for the pilot not to clip in, as the reserve is left hanging between the pilot’s legs until he has done so.
The weight is 3kg. It has a certified mousse bag and reserve container in the L size. The manufacturing materials are robust even though the overall weight is only 3kg.

sellette cocon Little cloud graph

Read more on the web site LITTLE CLOUD[/reveal]

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