French authorities recall the “no-fly” zone as pilots are spotted over Mont Blanc
For all the keen pilots out there who think that top landing the highest peak in Europe may be on the top of your wish-list for this summer, think again.
Mont Blanc together with the French Federation of Free Flight have just issued an official communiqué outling the dangers of flying in and around the Mont Blanc massif during the summer months.
Conditions during the hottest months of the year produce strong thermals and a turbulent air mass, both of which are not for the faint hearted. The Federation advises that only very experienced pilots should venture beyond the valley and the Massif, and that flying over, or top-landing on the Blanc Blanc itself between the 1st July until the 31st August (inclusive), is strictly forbidden. Pilots will be sanctioned for breaking the law.
The no-fly zone map : http://www.pghm-chamonix.com/2012/08/19/info-parapentistes/
Official communiqué : http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000019720348&dateTexte=
More about flying in Chamonix: http://www.fly-chamonix.com