New world tandem record goes to Frenchman Honorin Hamard with a 335km declared goal

New world tandem record goes to Frenchman Honorin Hamard with a 335km declared goal

3 Nov 2015

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Honorin Hamard sets a new world tandem record with a declared goal: 335.4km

Honorin Hamard and girlfriend Karine Gras in France

Having recently arrived in Quixadà, Brazil, Honorin Hamard and his girlfriend set a new tandem world record with their first flight on the 1 November; a ‘declared distance to goal’.  Whilst still airborn, they were tempted to try for the ‘straight line distance’ record but the sky was overcast.  They landed near the previous distance record spot after 9h32 flying time.

See live tracking on Airtribune website

Source : Honorin Hamard
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