The acro trick of the week : “Chicken” on a Paraglider!

Acro. pilots, Horacio Llorens and Tim Alongi, show us in this tutorial video, how to master the Full Stall and demonstrate how quickly releasing all the air from the inner cells of the glider, makes it drop back behind you in free-fall. The sensation can be disorientating for the pilot, in that the sensation is similar to swinging too far backwards on a chair, but once mastered, it can get you and your glider out of trouble in a number of situations.

A useful manoeuvre to master, it is one which is often taught to paragliding pilots during SIV training sessions.

Following on from Horacio and Tim’s Full Stall tutorial, the pair embark a trick similar to the game of « Chicken ». The principle is that each player confronts the other on a collision course, forcing his/her opponent to yield so as not to crash into each other. The one who swerves to avoid the other, is the Chicken !

The two pilots must directly fly at each other at the same speed and physically touch before, stalling their gliders to simultaneously fly backwards and away.

This is a one-shot video and unlikely to be filmed again, so feast your eyes on the two daredevils, and don’t play this at home !

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