Pilots fly under the Nyons Bridge for Mayor

Pilots fly under the Nyons Bridge for Mayor

Making the most of a the gentle conditions, they fly under the bridge and land next to the river.

« In the Baronnies, we don’t have large fields like in the Alps. Very quickly we learn to spot land in small areas or between olive trees ». Jean-Marc, who filmed the video, better known as Van Hurlu de la Berlue, contacted us directly so we could publish the feat carried out by Jildaz and Antoine*. Needless to say, this kind of stunt is not to be repeated.
In 2009, to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Nyons Bridge, the Mayor asked the pilots of they could perform a « fly past » over the bridge and land on the river bed, but sadly the weather dit not allow that to happen.
But on the 13th June 2010, the nil-wind conditions were ideal to see if the pilots could fly under the bridge instead.
*Jildaz is a cross-country and tandem pilot, Antoine is training to be an instructor and is currently demo pilot for Zuzun.

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