Don’t try this at Home by François Ragolski

Don’t try this at Home by François Ragolski

You have already had the pleasure of discovering the first three clips of the comedy series “Don’t try this at home.” Well, here’s how this entertaining series came about.

TECLIB are an IT company developing business software and free open source to their clients. They have been supporting François for the past three years. Also with a “freedom philosophy”, it seemed logical for Teclib to form a communication partnership with Francois, who’s notion of freedom can be felt by watching him fly. From this partnership, Teclib’s image shifted to a target audience by communicating via Facebook..

Originally, Teclib was hoping to make a film with Jean Baptiste Chandelier, and François admits that the initial proposal was rather far removed from his own personal style and capabilities.

François is a person who can rarely stay in one place for any length of time : « I like to say and do foolish things ». With his tireless and playful temperament, he found it difficult to define a storyline that could make a connection between all his ideas and their variety. As it turned out, it was so much easier and more interesting to string all these ideas together into one single sequence, and make a film.

So, François’ friend, Martin Shricke, played an important role in bringing together all the images to form a storyline, and this is how the web-series came about.
Shams  Director, Adrien Nisan, is himself an accomplished paragliding pilot, who has already been involved in other adventures with François (CHASING SUMMITS, filmed in Pakistan). Already well known to the paragliding world, François chose Adrien because “he is very capable and captures a good image. When he shoots, he knows whether to shoot long distance or close-up, because in his mind he already has a vision of how it will look in the end. His is mindful and avoids excess, especially when time is short. When arriving at a shoot, he already knows at a glance what is possible and what is not, and how he is going to shoot the scene using the different light… “

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