5th JAN 2016

Dates are set for the Pre-PWC Nepal 2016

The dates have been set for this year’s Pre-PWC Nepal, to be held as identical to last year, in the Sarangkot mountain near Pokhara, Nepal. Pilots can enjoy the spectacular scenery of the Annapurna, the 10th highest mountain in the world.
Meet Director, Egor Terentyev, has announced the opening of registration for the event, and pilots hopeful for a place can now register through the Airtribune website.
Pilots entering the competition should reserve dates between the 26th February to the 5th March, which include a pre-comp training day and the closing ceremony. There will be 6 task days in total and entry fee is set at €150.
The Pre-PWC Nepal is a National Championship Cat2 event and also a qualifier for the Paragliding World Cup Tour