Rook 2 from Triple Seven – Anticipated high performance for ENB
The 777 Rook 2, a high-end ENB, designed for intermediate to advanced pilots looking for both security and performance within its category.
Designers of the 777 Rook 2 (the Valic Brothers) are very pleased with the results of their cross-country wing. The design is based on the experience and technology drawn from wings in the competition class and offers pilots the “best available performance’ on the market in its category… Because of the shark nose profile, the wing is more forgiving at each stages of flight, even in strong conditions. Feedback from the first tests are as follows: – draws into thermals and climbs efficiently, – solid compact wing with easy handling, – comfort and serenity in strong conditions – high performance in accelerated glide even in rough air. Pilots are advised that previous experience with a lower aspect wing is necessary before flying the Rook 2”. The Rook 2 comes in three colours.

les 3 coloris de la Rook 2