UK XC paraglider pilot Vincent “Baker Boy” Talleu flies 142km from Wales
The UK cross-country flying season kicks off with some peachy distance flights logged in April last month.
For some who chose to fly on the 17th April it turned out to be a personal best and league-scoring day with pilots Mark Watts and Hugh Miller launching from Hay Bluff in Wales and landing 204km away at Lodsworth near Brighton, south of England, logging an impressive 204km flight!
Sponsored paraglider pilot, Vincent “Baker Boy” Talleu was amongst them and recalls his 142km adventure with some great footage. Pumping thermals and strong climbs for the first of UK’s generous flatland conditions.
Flying in the UK is technical not only because of the strong met-winds which force a pilot for the most part on a downwind flight path, but also because of the intricate navigation around airspace on such a small island.
The best UK scoring distance record is held by ex-British team pilot, Mark Watts, who flew 275km open distance on the 3rd August 2014 from Milk Hill in only 4 ½ hours – that’s an average of 48km/hr!